Approved Research Methods Courses
Research Methods courses approved to meet the M.S.W. admission requirement
If you have taken a course or wish to take a course that does NOT appear below, please arrange to provide the School with a detailed course syllabus that includes a list of the specific topics covered and the assignments required. Please email the course syllabus with your request for review regarding admission to We are not able to accept simple course outlines for these reviews, we do require the course syllabus. If one is not yet available for a course, we recommend you consult with the program that offers the course at your institution and request the most recent version. Courses taken for this admission requirement must be from an approved accredited institution.
Note: For non-Canadian institutions, please contact the School of Social Work directly to inquiry about approved statistics courses.
The following courses have been reviewed and ARE acceptable:
- Acadia: PSYC 2013, 2023; SOCI 2003A; EDUC 50G3
- Algoma University: PSYCH 2127
- Ambrose University: BHS 240
- Athabasca University: PSYC 304; SOSC 366 (SOC 1013)
- Bishop’s University: SOC 110
- Bresica University College (UWO): FSHD 2300
- Brock University: PSYC 3F40; SOCI 2P11; GERO 5P89
- Burman University: BHSC 418
- Calvin College: SOC.RES 320
- Camosun College: PSYC 201; SOC 280
- Cape Breton University: PSYC 2111
- Capilano University: PSYC 212
- Carleton University: ARCH 4502; COMS 3001 & 3002 (combined); CRCJ 3001 & 3002 (combined); PSCI 2701A; PSYC 2001; SOCI 2001; SOWK 2501
- Columbia Bible College: PSYC 202
- Concordia University: AHSC 380, 382; WSDB292; PSYC 310, 319B, 319F; SOCI 310
- Dalhousie University: HAHP 3100; PSYO 2000; SLWK 3083, 3084, 3085
- Dawson College: 300-300-DW
- Douglas College: CRIM 2254, 3325; CYCC 4423; PSYC 2301; SOWK 4160
- George Brown College: BEHA 2104
- Georgian College: PSYC 4008
- Grande Prairie Regional College: NURS 3690
- Humber College: RSMT 2500-OLB
- King’s University (Alberta): PSYC 302 (6); SOCI 309 & SSCI 309
- King’s University College (Western): PSY 2840; SOC 2206A; SW 2203, SW2205 (6)* must have both terms of the course completed; THANAT 2201A
- Kwantlen: CRIM 1208, 3104; NRSG 4121; PSYC 2400; SOCI 2260-S10, 3260
- Lakehead University: CRIM 2090; PSYC 3911; SOWK 4405
- Langara College: CRIM 1220; PSYC 2320, 320; SOCI 2230
- Laurentian University: SOCI 2127
- Lethbridge College: JUS3351
- MacEwan University: PSYC 212; SOCI 315
- Memorial University: SCWK 3410; SOCI 3040
- McGill: ANTH 357; EDKP 443; PSYC 351; SOCI 211; SWRK 423; WMST 303
- Mount Allison University: BIOL 2701; PSYC 2001; SOCI 3301
- Mount Royal University: PSYC 2213; PUBR 3855; CRJS 2015; CHST 3202; SLGY 3321, SLGY 3323; SLWK 4417
- Mount Saint Vincent University: PSYCH 2209
- Nicola Valley Institute of Technology: SOCW 301
- Nipissing University: SOCI 2126
- North Island College: PSY 204
- Okanagan College: BUAD 344, 491; CRIM 260; PSYC 260
- Okanagan University College: PSYC 260; SOCW 301
- Providence University College: SSC 221.22
- Queen’s University: BMED 270; HLTH 252; LISC 270; DEVS 802; GNDS 345; NURS 324; PSYC 203; SOCY 210, WMNS 230
- Quest University: please contact
- Red Deer College/Red Deer Polytechnic: PSYC 312; SOCI 312
- Renison University College (Waterloo): ISS 250F; SDS 251R; SWREN 251R
- Royal Military College of Canada (RMC Kingston): PSE 214
- Royal Roads University: COMM 345, 435; JUST 410
- St. Francis Xavier University: HNU 385; PSYC 291
- St. Lawrence College: PSYC 30DG
- St. Thomas University: PSYC 2023; SCWK 3503; SOCI 2013A
- St. Mary’s University (College-Alberta): PSYC 312 A/B (6) * must have both terms completed
- St. Mary’s University (Nova Scotia): PSYC 2340
- Selkirk College: PSYC 202; SOC 205
- Seneca College: MHR 774
- Simon Fraser University: CMNS 201, 260, CRIM 220, 320, 321; HSCI 207, 307; SA 255-4, 356; IS 300; PSYC 201, 204, 217
- Toronto Metropolitan University (previously Ryerson): CFNY 405; CHSM 417; COMM 345; CRM 201, 310; CYC 409-801; SOC 482; SSH 301; SWP 538; PSY319
- Trent University: PSYC 2018, 3015Y; SOCI 2150Y, 2151, 3151
- Trinity Western University: PSYC 322
- Thompson Rivers: CRIM 2209; SOCI 272; PSYC 210, 2110, 2111; SOCW 3010; RSMT 3501
- UBC Vancouver: EDUC 500; ENVR 300; FMST 323,422; GRSJ 3325; KIN 373; PSYC 217, 317, 366; SOCI 217A-102,380; SOWK 320 or 420;WMST 325; WRDS 150B
- UBC Okanagan: GEOG 371, 474, 491H; HEAL 301, HMKN 206; NRSG 120; PSYO 270; SOCI 291, 381, 390, 395; SOCW 301
- University College of Cariboo: SOCI 382
- University of Alberta: AUPSY 313; AUPED 493; PSYC 300; PSYCO 121, 212, 413; NURS 3690; SOC 315 (A1 &A2)
- University of Calgary: CORE 435; HSOC 408; KNES 213; POLI 397; PSYC 300, 312B; SOWK 302, 353, 355; SOCI 313;
- University of the Fraser Valley: CYC 423; CRIM 320+321; PSYC 202, 301; SOC 255; SOWK 404
- University of Guelph: CRIM 220; FRHD 3070; POLS 2650; PSYC 2360; SOAN 2010 2120, 3070
- University of Guelph-Humber: PSYC 2030; SCMA 2040
- University of Lethbridge: ADSC 3260; HLSC 3260; KNES 2200; MGT 2700A; PSYC 2030A, 3010
- University of Manitoba: FCE 28.205; SOCI 2290, 315-B1; SWRK 3100; PSYC 2250, 2260
- University of Maryland University College: PSYC 300
- University of Montreal: PSY 1006
- University of New Brunswick: PSYC 2103; SOC 3104, 3105
- University of Northern British Columbia: FNST 300; PSYC 315, 316
- University of Ottawa: HSS 3101; CRM 2303A; PSY 2174G; SCS 2150B
- University of Prince Edward Island: PSY 278; NURS 3040; SOCI 331
- Université du Québec en Outaouais: PSY 1573
- University of Regina: PSYC 204; SW451
- University of Saskatchewan: NUTR 305; POLSTUD 255; PSY 235.3; SOCI 332.6
- University of Toronto: CRI 350H1F; GGR 271; PSY 203H1F, 309, 329, 379H5S; SOC 204, 200H1F
- University of Toronto Scarborough: PSYB01H3; PSYB04; WGS 360
- University of Victoria: CYC 423; HLTH 350; IGOV 530; PSYC 201; SOCI 211; SOCW 318, 319; WMST 400A
- University of Waterloo: HLTH 333, 344; INTEG 340; KIN 330; PSYCH 291; REC 270; SOCI 321; SOC/LS 221; SMF 220
- University of Windsor: PSYC 331, 46-230, 46-320, 46-447
- University of Winnipeg: HSS 2381; HSS 3101; PSYC 2102; SOCI 50.4126
- Vancouver Island University: CRIM 220, 350, 351; CYC 323; PSYC 204
- Western University (University of Western Ontario): GEOG 3250A; HS 2801A (2020); INTSTUD 2252F; PSYC 282E, 360, 2800; PSY3830G; SOC 2206, 3305, 3306, 3307; SOCI 2206; SW 2207B; SJPS 3311G; GEOG 2250A;
- Wilfred Laurier University: CC233; PSYC 295, 398; SY280
- York University: ENVS 3010; PSYC 2030; GL/ILST 3505; SOCI 2030; SOSC 3800; SOWK 3070