Approved Statistics Courses

The following Statistics courses are approved to meet the 3-credits required for M.S.W. admission.

If you have taken a course or wish to take a course that does NOT appear below, please arrange to provide the School with a detailed course syllabus that includes a list of the specific topics covered and the assignments required. Please email the course syllabus with your request for review regarding admission to We are not able to accept simple course outlines for these reviews, we do require the course syllabus.  If one is not yet available for a course, we recommend you consult with the program that offers the course at your institution and request the most recent version. Courses taken for this admission requirement must be from an approved accredited institution.

The following courses have been reviewed and are acceptable:

Note: For non-Canadian institutions, please contact the School of Social Work directly to inquiry about approved statistics courses.

  • Acadia: MATH 1213, MATH 1223; SOCI 2013A2
  • Algoma University: STAT 2126
  • Ambrose University: BHS 310
  • Athabasca University: CMNS 308; MATH 215; MGSC 301; SOCI 301
  • BCIT – OPMT 1130
  • Bishop’s University: SOC 311
  • Brandon University: 62:171
  • Brock University: PSYC 2F23; PSYC 3F40; SOCI 2P13
  • Burman University: MATH 240
  • Calvin College: STAT & RESEARCH 250; STAT 255
  • Camosun College – MATH 116, 216 ,204
  • Capilano College – MATH 101, 204; PSYC 213; STAT 101
  • Carleton University: IPAF2000; PSCI 2702B; PSYC 2002, 3000; SOWK 2500/2502 (prior course titles); SOWK 3002
  • Coast Mountain College (formerly Northwest Community College): MATH 131, 251
  • College of New Caledonia: PSYC 201
  • College of the Rockies: STAT 106 (MATH 106)
  • Columbia Bible College: PSYC 303
  • Concordia University (Quebec): PSYC 315; SOCI 212/1
  • Concordia University of Edmonton: PSY 211; STAT 151
  • Crandall University: MT 1203
  • Dalhousie University: STAT 1060, 2501; PSYO 2501
  • Dawson College: 360-300-DW
  • Douglas College: BUSN 2429; CYCC 4425; GEOG 2251; MATH 1160 (was 116); PSYC 300, 2300
  • George Brown College: BEHA 2004
  • Grande Prairie Regional College: NURS 3010
  • Humber College: RSMT 1501-OLA
  • Institute Of Indigenous Govt: IGST 108; STAT 203
  • King’s University (Alberta): STAT 300-3
  • King’s University (Western): PSYC 301; SOC 2205A; STAT 1024B; SW 2205 (must have both terms completed)
  • Kwantlen Polytechnic University/Kwantlen College: AGRI 3225; CRIM 2103; MATH 1115 (was 115), 2335; NRSG 4122; PSYC 300, 2300, PSYC 3300; SOCI 2365
  • Lakehead University: PSYC 2101; SOWK 4405
  • Langara College – BSAD 1123, PSYC 2321, STAT 1123, STAT 1123, 1124(was 124), STAT 1127(was 127), 1224, 2225,2290
  • Laurentian University: STAT 2126; SWRK 3555EA (former)/SWRK 3505
  • MacEwan University: SOCI 310; STAT 141, 151
  • McGill University: EDPE 676; MATH 203, POTH 204, PSYC 204, 305; SOCI 350
  • McMaster University: ARTSSCI 2R03; KINESOIL 701; HUMBEHV 3ST3; PNB 2XE3; PSYC 2RR5, 2RA3, 2RB3; SOC 3FF3; SOCSCI 2J03, 3O03; STAT ICC3; HTH SCI 2A03
  • Memorial University: ED 2900; PSYC 2900, 3900; STAT 2510
  • Moncton University: MA 2653
  • Mount Allison University: PSYC 3001, 3021
  • Mount Royal University: CRJS 3001, PSYC 2210, PSYC 2211
  • Mount Saint Vincent University: PSYC 3370
  • Nicola Valley Institute of Technology: STAT 203
  • Nipissing University: SOCI 2127
  • North Island College: MAT 115, STA 115
  • Northeastern University (Chicago): PSYC 202
  • Northern Lights College: MATH 104; SOCI 207
  • Okanagan College: GEOG 270; PSYC 270; SOCI 271; SOCW 302; STAT 121, 124
  • Queen’s University: BIOL 243; KNPE 251; NURS 323; PSYC 202, 301, 302; SOCY 211; STAT 263
  • Quest University: please contact the School of Social Work
  • Red Deer College/Red Deer Polytechnic: PSYC 312; SOCI 310-A; STAT 251
  • Renison University College (Waterloo): ISS 250R; SDS 250R; SWREN 250R
  • Royal Military College of Canada (RMC Kingston): MAE 209; PSE 213
  • Royal Roads University: ENSC 303
  • St. Francis Xavier University: PSYC  292; STAT 201
  • St. Lawrence College: PSYC 19DG
  • St. Thomas University: PSYC 2013, 3933; SOCI 2013A*course must only be applied to one requirement (3 credits stat or research), not both
  • St. Mary’s University (College – Alberta): PSYC 312A/B (6)*must have both A/B completed
  • St. Mary’s University (Nova Scotia) PSYC 2350, SOCI 3102
  • Selkirk College: MATH 105, 100, 130; STAT 105
  • Seneca College: STA 683
  • Simon Fraser University: BUEC 232, GERO 803; POLI 201; PSYC 210, 301; STAT 100, 101, 103, 201, 203, 270, 301, 302, 305
  • Tarrant County College: MATH 1342
  • Thompson Rivers University – HEAL/SOCW 3020; MATH 102, 110 & 120, 126; PSYC 210, 2100, 2101 (formerly PSYC 220); STAT 200, STAT 1200, STAT 1201, STAT 1202 (formerly Stat 102), STAT 2039
  • Toronto Metropolitan University (previously Ryerson): ACS 401; CYC 604; CPSY411; POG 230; PSY 511; PSYC 2RR3, 2R03, 411, QMS 102; SOC 411; SWP 638
  • Trent University: MATH 1051H-R, 1052H-R; PSYC 2019, 3015Y, SOCI-3160
  • Trinity Western: PSYC 207
  • Tyndale University College: MATH 1213, 3223
  • University of British Columbia | Okanagan campus – BIOL 202; GEOG 271; HEAL 300; HINT 110; HMKN 205; NRSG 425; PSYO 271; PSYO 360; SOCI 390; SOCW 302; STAT 124, 230, 121
  • University of British Columbia | Vancouver campus – ANTH 218; BIOL 300; EPSE 482; FRST 231; KIN 206; MATH 130; POLI 380; PSYC 318 (prior to 2002), 218 (after 2002),366; SOCI 328;STAT 200 or 203
  • University of Alberta: AUPSY 213; AUSTA 215; SOCI 210; STAT 141, 151; STATQ 151; NURS 3010; PTHER 352
  • University of Calgary: ANTH 307; MDSC 407; POLI 399; PSYC 210,211,233, 301, 312A; SOCI 311, 312A, 315; STAT 205, 213
  • University of the Fraser Valley – MATH 103; PSYC 110; CYC425; STAT 104 (formerly MATH 104), 106 (formerly MATH 106)
  • University of Guelph: POLI 3650; PSYC 1010, 2040, 3290; STAT 2120, 2230, 2040, 2080, 2090**course must only be applied to one requirement (3 credits stat or research), not both; SOAN 3120
  • University of Guelph-Humber: PSYC 3120; SCMA 3040
  • University of Lethbridge: ECON 2900Y; HLSC 3450, 5300/7300; PSYC 2010, 2030, 3450; STATS 1770; SOCI 2130
  • University of Manitoba: PHRM 3520; SOC 2290; STATS 005.100, 1000, STAT 2220
  • University of Maryland: STAT 350
  • University of New Brunswick: PSYC 2113, 3113; STAT 2263, 2264
  • University of Northern BC: BIO 300; PSYC 315; STAT 240
  • University of Ottawa: HSS 2381, 2781; CRM 3334; MAT 1371, 2379; PSY 2106, 2116
  • University of Prince Edward Island: PSY 279; NURS 271
  • University of Quebec: SCI 1260
  • Université du Québec en Outaouais: PSY 1583
  • University of Regina: PSYC 305,405; STATS 151
  • University of Saskatchewan – PSYC 233; COMM 104.3; PLSC 214, 314(Formerly CRSC 314); STAT 103.3, 242.3, 244.3, 245.3
  • University of Toronto: CJS390H1; EEB 225; ECO220Y1; SOC 200Y, 202, 202H1F, 222; STA 220H1F, 220H5F; STAB 23; STAT 222; PSY201, PSY201H1, PSY202
  • University of Toronto Scarborough: PSYB07H3; PSYC08H3; STAB22H3
  • University of Victoria: CYC 424; HLTH 425; HSD 425; PSYC 300A & 300B; SOCI 271, 371A and 371B; STAT 252, 255, 260
  • University of Waterloo: ARTS 280; BME 213; HLTH 204; KIN 222; PSYCH 292, 391; REC 371; SOC/LS 280; SOCI 28; (Renison) SDS 250R; SMF 230
  • University of Windsor: 02-250 (aka SOCSCI 250), 46-313, 0248-308-01; SWRK 2000
  • University of Winnipeg: PSYC 2101, 4100; 50:4116; STAT 1501
  • Vancouver Island University (formerly Malaspina): HSD 425; MATH 203, 211, 161; PSYC 300A
  • Western University (University of Western Ontario): GEOG 3210A; HS 2801A (2018), 3801B; PSYC 2810, 2820E; PSY2830; SOCI 231,300A, 2205A, 2205B; STAT SCI 1024,135, 2035; SW450b, SW 2207B, SJPS 3311G
  • Wilfred Laurier University: CC327; PSYC 296, 394; STAT 396, 397; SY 382A
  • York University: ENVS 2009; GEOG 2420; PSYC 2020, 2021, 2022; SOCI 3030 E&OE